Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Guerilla Art, using the public.

Berlin as a city is known as one of those places that things happen. Parties in the street, in the U-Bahn, graffiti everywhere, protests. One of the latest things that I found browsing the internet, with my Post Berlin Depression, is this:

This is Rosenthaler Platz in Mitte, Berlin. One of the first chic and designery/artisty areas within Berlin. Those colorful paint tracks aren't normally there, what happened here is one of those guerilla art attacks that happen every now and then. Some people with some bicycles with some large amount of paint poured out said paint when the lights were red. Car drivers had no choice but to drive straight through, painting this work of art. It brings a whole new level to mapping, a 1:1 mapping of an intersection. If they had also done something like this:

This here happened in China. Quite the opposite place to Berlin, not so lenient Gov't, artists having less of a voice. However this was not done by a few people on some bikes, this was done by DBB Group which seems to be a fairly large design house. No matter, it is another great way of playing with street art, mapping, and the idea of greening the world.

Okay, back to work for me.

Some more links for Rosenthaler Platz: Video on, Photos on, and Article in the Tages Spiegel (in German).

1 comment:

Mark M Skiba said...

I love the paint on the roads! Such a simple, beautiful concept.